AU1 111-2 Essay/Presentation 1:Looking back at the Last 6 Months

Hi everybody, my name is Flora, and today I’m going to speak about the last six months of my life.
Before I begin with my story, I'd like you to take a moment to look back at the last six months of your lives. Was that time difficult, scary and somewhat unfulfilling? Or was it  challenging, exciting and somewhat fulfilling? What three adjectives would you use to describe that time? As for the last six months of my life, the three adjectives that I would use are novel,   substantial and tried.

i choose "novel" as my first adjective for my last six months of my life is because there are many things and different people that I have never been in contact with in college.

and the second adjective i choose is "substantial".why i choose substantial is because I have participated in many activities and clubs that I am interested in.

i choose "tried" as my third adjective is because i need to made a lot of operation in my department, and i aslo joined some events and clubs. it always made me tried but happy.

Although the past six months have been exhausting,  but I think it's been a fulfilling and wonderful experience. 


AU1 111-2 Essay/Presentation 2: Video Resume

AU1 111-2 Essay/Presentation 4: I Have a Dream